Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Heah's ya beah!!

I've been thinking about country music alot lately, been reading a book on the connection of it to rock, and I'm becoming much more interested in it. There was a time when I'd rather listen to hipsters talk about how much better the Elephant 6 collective used to be as opposed to today or how awesome MisShapes this week (seriously, if you ever hear me speaking about either one, hang me without benefit of trial and dump my sad ass in the Hudson) than country music, but old school stuff s not so bad. And screw you if you don't like the Eagles. I do. You know, rocks' beloved Bob Dylan was through, done, put a fork in Bob he's over. That is until Jonny Cash insisted he come to Nashville and be on his weekly TV show,...and play electric. Folkies actually wretched in the streets, but the rest of the country forgave Bob, liked the new direction and thus an icon was born. So, the couple of you who hate on country music, be a bit more open minded like all NYers are supposed to be. Oh, yeah and one more thing, all you NYC'ers who slag on the South about how dumb we are, and backwards, et al, just remember, blues and country came from the South, no country, no rock. No backward-ass rednecks, no Elephant 6 collective,...er, wait, Elephant 6 is from Athens GA!! There you have it.

Ugh,..I'm not making any sense am I?? Heres the winners from last night:


Go buy the new Forms record, it's awesome! Stay tuned for Hipster Olympics!!


Anonymous said...

Do you mind dropping the name of the book you're reading? Usually like to let music do the talking for itself, but that sounds very interesting! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

even most of the chicago blues folk migrated from the south. but just cause we did it first don't mean we can't be outdid by yall damn yankees!