Monday, October 26, 2009

Now Playing:"Master of Puppets" by Metallica

So, dear reader, I have FINALLY gotten confirmation that I will soon be getting the raw footage for the game in the mail soon. That means the ball is rolling and we are another step closer to making this thing bigger than it is. Fingers and toes crossed.

The game has been 'pretty' well attended lately. We are grateful, but we need more teams out still.

Ever heard of love? A friend told me once at a very pivital time that:

Love is all you need, love is like oxygen, love is a many splendored thing. There is Radar love, Adhesive love, love on the rocks. Courtney Love, Mike Love. Tender love, and Modern love. A Whole Lotta Love.

But none higher than the J. Giles band's description: Love Stinks.

You're welcome. Glad I could hip you to that.

Here's proof:

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