Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Welcome to The SmartAss trivia blog!!

We'll be posting all sorts of stuff concerning SmartAss trivia here. SmartAss trivia happens every Monday night at 8pm at Piano's in the Lower East Side of NYC. We do three rounds of 10 questions, winners recieve free beers and shots for all teammates up to three. Come out and join us next week!

Last night was the post Oscars edition, concerning musicians who are actors and vice versa. Chad came from Advance Weekly Entertainment (a Staten Island based entertainment paper) to shoot some photos of the night, and Brian Devendorff (The National) djed. It was awesome. Not that dime store type of awesome either, really awesome. Awesome.

Stay tuned for upcoming news and such, check back often, theres all sorts of stuff in the works!

1 comment:

prime816 said...

its good to read those trivia because it informative to the readers. there some trivia also that needs a sharp mind in order to understand it further. Trivia do help me to widen m y knowledge on things.


I challenge you to a game of trivia! Click here to battle against me online at ConQUIZtador. Let's see who's the winner... https://www.conquiztador.com/?a=26041